Learning Coach
Melissa is the mother and Learning Coach to a high school student at Arkansas Connections Academy. Since enrolling in 2017, Melissa says her daughter has been thriving in the flexible online school environment.
Why We Chose Arkansas Connections Academy
When our daughter was finishing fourth grade, I saw a commercial for Connections Academy. Although we loved the local brick-and-mortar elementary school she attended, she would’ve been moving to a large middle school the next year. Our daughter has social anxiety (selective mutism) and this would have become a problem for her.
My husband and I liked what we saw on the Connections Academy website, including the flexibility and curriculum, so I signed her up to start her fifth-grade year with Arkansas Connections Academy. She is now in high school and is still thriving.
Our Online School Experience
Arkansas Connections Academy has helped our daughter with taking more responsibility with her schoolwork. It’s good to be able to talk with my daughter’s teachers and understand what they are wanting their students to accomplish throughout the school year.
Our daughter’s favorite subject is science—specifically, astronomy—and she loves her digital photography class. She wants to be an astro-photographer.
I encourage her to stay in contact with her friends through text or video chat. We have a group of her friends over the house periodically, too.
Favorite Learning Coach Activity
My favorite Learning Coach activity is sitting with my child to figure out the next day’s lesson schedule. We structure it so she can attend the afternoon LiveLesson® sessions, even though they aren’t required.
It’s good to be able to talk with my daughter’s teachers and understand what they are wanting their students to accomplish throughout the school year.
— Melissa
My Advice for New Families
The best advice I can give new Learning Coaches is to stay organized and never hesitate to ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to other Learning Coaches through social media or contact the teachers or school staff.